Friday, May 14, 2010

Spungella Anim Contest: VOTING!

Voting is over. Thanks for participating.

It's hard to know if people cheat using the previous voting method and the fact that I have to even contemplate that is really sad.

So now, the vote is starting over.
You have one week, from this Monday, 5/17/10, to next Monday, 5/24/10,
to send me an email to

contest (at) spungella (dot) com

Put the number of your favorite clip in the mail and email me only once. Please don't set up dozens of multiple accounts in order to vote multiple times.

Spungella Animation Contest - Spring 2010 - "Guilty" from Jean-Denis Haas on Vimeo.

Sorry for the delay! Technical difficulties...

But now it's up and you have one week to watch all the entries and decide which one you like the most.

So head over to and vote!



Nanda van Dijk said...


Bernie Warman said...

Really cool!

Jonathan Bento said...

Greeat animations!!!

Herman Gonzales said...

Great Stuff. LOL

Lukas Niklaus said...

great stuff! Hope my favourite wins :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Some serious talent and imagination. Hats off to ALL entrants!

Luke Burnet said...

it's not so hard to guess who is the cheater in this voting :D haha. Some peoples are ridiculous... btw a lot of great animations ! Thanks.

Omar said...

Luq, I have a feeling your referring to my entry being in the lead.

For the record, I voted once and not for my own. I don't think I should be in number 1 at all and I hope one of the stronger entries will win.

Omer Rana said...

Well clearly the voting system won't be there next time. Should just get 3-4 people who should judge it(points to myself). Oh and off topic, the iPad is amazing :) any apps you found JD that are worth getting?

Jean-Denis Haas said...

Well, next time I can have people email me their vote. So unless they have multiple names, it might be better that way?

If it's still messy, then I'll judge it by myself. And maybe Omer. :)

Anonymous said...

i think the open air vote is kind of unfair because we don't know who will cast multiple votes... and also the result is publicly visible, who is leading and who isn't, who has 0 votes (that isn't really good for those who at least attempted to participate)..

my 2 cents

Jean-Denis Haas said...

Sure, the result is visible, but I didn't include any names. Plus it's another form of critique. You need to be able to handle the fact that no one votes for you.

Yes, there is a chance that people will cheat and all I can do is hope that people are decent enough to not abuse the system. If it's all a disaster, then there won't be a voting process next time. I'm not willing to give up on that yet.

Anonymous said...

haha alright then. i guess that does discourage me from wanting to participate in just for fun on the next contest, because at 11sec club, at least the weaker people get their stuff rated, even if it's less points or what not. i wasn't aware that this contest is that serious business.

i still get what you mean however. may the best one win. :-)

Jean-Denis Haas said...

Wow, it's not meant to be that serious, but 11sec has also more people participating, so that there are more people across the board, which means everybody gets a vote.

That's unfortunate that you don't want to participate.

Nanda van Dijk said...
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Nanda van Dijk said...

The rating isn't the most important part of the contest, it is the experience you get from animating and watching other peoples animation that is important. Whats nice about animating for an contest is that you have an deadline so you're pushed to finish it instead of making animations that you will never finish. But rating can be good as well. It is like JD said, it's a great way to see what people think about your animation. if you are on the right track or if you should work hard to improve your animation skills. so if you want to improve you shouldn't let a rating system discourages you.

Jean-Denis Haas said...

Well said Nanda.

Anonymous said...

my point is, people are obviously exploiting the voting system. example, yesterday i saw zero votes on some entries and today they have 10 to 20 votes. while the leading entries are slow with 1 or 2 votes. something is not right here.

how is that fair? it's pretty humiliating and unfair for you to use this exploited system to tell people their work suck as well. i'm just giving my comment about how this entire thing will not work, not intending to start a fight. if you insist this system is awesome and that it can tell people their work sucks when there are bad animation getting unfair votes, then i have nothing more to say.

good luck to those deserving entries, i hope they will win at the end.

Jean-Denis Haas said...

I got your point the first time, I guess I should not have counted for people to behave like adults. Instead of continuing like that, I will change the voting system to email based. If people still have a problem with that, then I will cancel this contest. This is supposed to be something fun, but I don't have time to wait for people to grow up. You guys are sad.

Anonymous said...

thank you JD for changing the voting system. i think it's better for you to keep the vote results private too. In a way it becomes less humiliating for those who don't get as much votes, by the end if they don't win anything, they will get the message they still need to work harder anyway. i don't see what's the point with a public vote result in a small contest like this.

yes i know it's sad that people don't behave like adults. but you really don't know who is casting the vote at all.

.Louaye. said...


Thank you for taking the time out of your life to do this.

It's always fun to see animation contests.

Jing Qi said...

JD, Thank you for doing this contest. We were really enjoying it! it doesn’t matter about cheat or not, there is ‘n winner or loser really. We do it for fun!!!! btw it's a good thing to know we sucks, that's how we get better!

Lisa said...

great job everyone!

...but voting drama = *rolls eyes* @___@;;

or as kent would say OH PLEASE

JD thank you so much for hosting this competition, its always been so much fun to do in class and a great way to improve our animation skills... its crazy what you can come up with in a week if you push yourself... one of the few animation pieces im still proud of from my first year at the academy is the dinosaur thing i did for your very first 100 frames competition....please dont let voting drama deter you from hosting this competition in the future.. its a really great thing to have and we all appreciate the effort youre putting into this!


Nico Corrao said...

Gah! This contest has been cursed! ;)

While I don't agree with not being able to see your votes I guess it's a decent trade-off for curbing stat-padders.

Voted once and not for myself. Hopefully we can work the kinks outta this thing and have another one. JDH I hope this experience doesn't lead you to reconsider.

Bernie Warman said...

Hey JD,

The voting part is fine :) I dont mind the open "score", i think is like being in the class room.

What we could do too, is open a "leave a comment area" so people could critique each others work.

The critique is more important than actually winning :)

Luke Burnet said...

haha :D funny, no JD don't do this :P. It's a contest and we can win something, that's why some people may be a little nervous, it's a normal reaction. Well all these animations impressed me. I've seen a lot of different ideas and one theme Guilty and this gave me inspiration. I'll never come up with idea like for example Monk animation haha and others too. Great. Thanks for your time.
I can't wait for another contest :)

Hammy said...

Wow... what a mess. :S Sorry to see these happening JD. But... thank YOU for hosting this contest. I didn't spend a lot of time on mine due to time constraint but I was glad that I manage to come up with something quick just for fun. :) Haha, last I saw my entry's vote it didn't receive any love but it's okay. :D

Winning or losing really doesn't matter to me at all. It's just seeing what everyone did makes this contest great to participate in!

Please don't let these situation stop you from hosting another contest! We love Spungella still!

Erik Lee said...

It was fun during the time I was animating for this contest, and I had more fun when I saw the works from others.

I agree with Nanda. it's not about what I win, it's about what I've learned and how it pushed myself from start to the end.

I learned about sometimes even though the subject looks easy, the idea looks like kick-ass, still, have a lot of problem while execute it.

I think I already won my price, by push my idea further, and also ask for critiques from my friends.(which make me feel I'm part of animation family again.)

What more can I won by a 100 frame contest? :)

P.S. Thank you JD for doing this, hopefully this cheating shxt don't effect you of hosting an another one.

Herman Gonzales said...

Great work from everyone. the short frame limit and deadline, was a good combo. Lets do another one soon. Sorry about the fishy voting system.
That is a good suggestion though JD just to vote by email, but if you put could put the statistics of those emails on the shots, would be cool as well. Wont hurt to know, if your skill is not up to par, just to push harder.

Joey said...

Good job guys!

Unknown said...

Really SAD, sick anonymous cheaters .. I think ANONYMOUS feels Winning== Max Votes, for a pure soul Winning ==QUALITY .Respect !