Latest of my spare time animation clips. I'm having progressively more fun doing that stuff, it's really freeing to do your own animation at home. It's really all about practice practice practice. Workflow wise still neglecting the GE, but after roughing out the layout and camera, there was a lot of straight ahead animation going on. I wasn't too married on length and re-edited as I went along, enjoying the freedom of animation without length-specific live-action plates. :)
Definitely got different versions per shot, but same as the Paintball one, I just wanted to plow ahead and finish it (as opposed to all my other stuff I never finish), so I'll post the progression playblasts later. It's time to catch up on sleep. It's tricky to balance family with work and spare time anim but you do get a lot done when you sleep a bit less. Just relax every now and then and eat healthy and exercise in order to keep some sort of balance. :)
Shot details:
Not too sure how long it took me animation wise specifically for this project since I did the paintball clips at the same time (I like going back and forth between shots, it helps keeping a fresh eye), but if I add up the hours throughout the week and week-ends, I would say the
"Looks clear",
Paintball and this project all together took about a full week (Mo-Su) at typical production length days (so 9-10 hours), which I'm pretty happy with. Add another day for rendering, compositing layers, building sets & rigs, etc.
- Rigs:
Shark, Fish is a combination of
this fish with
those eyes :)
- Set is all basis Maya stuff