Well, this is very weird, looks like people got error messages, but I got all of your emails on that account. Maybe my host had a hiccup and sent out that error? But since so many had problems, what if some didn't go through?
I'm really sorry for that, no idea what happened. I changed the email and tested it, and just like the other one, it works.
In order to keep it fair for everybody, I will cancel this sign-up and re-open it for tomorrow, 12:30pm. Feel free to email me on the new address as a test today.
I you plan on emailing me about SOS, then here are the details:
Send an email to: signup (at) spungella.com
Subject: Fall 2009 SOS Workshop sign-up
Body: I'd like to attend the 2009 Fall SOS workshop (or something like that).
Sign-up time is 7/21/09, 12:30pm, San Francisco time.
- pic source
Yay! Sent in the moment your clock touched 1pm. sos@spungella.com bounced however, but I sent to your other email in case. :) HOORAY for SOS! Love the fireworks on the countdown!!
Hi JD.
I've send you the email to sos@spungella.com at 1 PM but got the failure email.
Sorry if you get couple of my mails.
Hi JD,
I having the same problem, I got a failed noticed after my first sent & I sent it again..
i Cced the mail to your other email id as sos@spungella.com didnt work
Hi, I tried to sign up as well and have the same problem as everybody above. I've also sent a few emails your way, so apologies if you get several from me.
Hey JD, I've sent the sign-up email to both of your addresses and had the same problem with sos@spungella...
Well, this is very weird, because I got all of your emails on that account. Maybe my host had a hiccup and sent out that error?
But since so many had problems, what if some didn't go through?
I'm really sorry for that, no idea what happened. I changed the email and tested it, and just like the other one, it works.
In order to keep it fair for everybody, I will cancel this sign-up and re-open it for tomorrow, 1pm again.
Feel free to email me on the new address as a test.
ok got it.
Tomorrow 1 PM :D
May be it's because a lot of people send you emails at the almost same time so it's fail. Could that happen?
I sent you a test mail before 1pm though and it also bounced. Then my friends and I got worried and decided to send to both email accounts of yours. Let the game begin again tomorrow. Haha, hope you are getting a lot of people signing up because it means it's a good sign.
Hard to say, very weird, sorry again.
A test mail has been sent to your latest email and it worked for me. Just wanted to let you know that. Hope tomorrow nothing goes crazy.. Haha! Thanks again JD. Sorry for the troubles. :) Now I will leave you to work.
Thanks Ting! Good to know.
I got some emails asking for a different, since at 1pm some people are in classes for instances. What do you guys think would be a good time for everybody? Maybe late at night, like 10pm?
would do but not quite sure if we have the make up class tomorrow ...7 to 10 pm
Yeah, good point. I guess either way it's tricky for some people. Maybe 12:30 is better, so it's lunch time and people should have no classes or commitments, besides eating lunch. :)
I hope one day to reach a level where I can teach others.
It seems so rewarding!
Too bad I can't attend the classe's since I am no where near where they are held.
Tricky thing about online for me is that I get face to face time with students for 3 hours. If I add a lot of online people it takes up a lot more time, due to all the writing. I'm looking into some webcam stuff for that. It's in the works, but not yet.
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