Congratulations to everybody involved!!
Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature Motion Picture
Puss In Boots – Puss
Antonio Banderas
Ludovic Bouancheau
Laurent Caneiro
Olivier Staphylas
Rango – Rango
Frank Gravatt
Kevin Martel
Brian Paik
Steve Walton
Rio – Nigel
Diana Diriwaechter
Sang Jun Lee
Sergio Pablos
Aamir Tarin
The Adventures of Tintin – Tintin
Gino Acevedo
Gustav Ahren
Jamie Beard
Simon Clutterbuck
All of the nominees are here!
Just wondering how 'Outstanding Animated Character in an Animated Feature Motion Picture' applies to Tintin? I'm not putting it down or anything, just wondering how applicable it is.
I'm aware that Mocap can't do all the work but is it that large segments are animated, or does mocap fit into this category in its own right?
No idea, I haven't seen the reel that they submitted. There is a fair share of keyframed work in the movie, so maybe that part was submitted.
Or maybe all mocap stuff was submitted, again, no idea.
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